
Welcome to my blog!  I document my relocation adventure from California to Singapore. Hope you enjoy the blog and have a nice day!

Keep Calm and Unpack It All

Two nights ago as I walked home there was an eerie calm downtown. At eleven minutes before midnight I couldn't hear anything other than the leaves falling from trees and soft thunder in the higher altitudes. I could still feel the lingering dampness in the air from the rain storm we got caught in but it all still left a smile on my face. I live in Singapore. Wednesday, marked day one of two straight days off which are long overdue with my return to work and rigorous training schedule. I enjoy what I do, but being with more than 200+ people for 9 hours a day is unusual for me. And as a self-described ambivert, at some point I need quality time alone.


With that thought in mind, Thursday, I took myself to the movies to see Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2. Normally, it's an event I would have done with my work family.  We would have preordered tickets, arranged who was holding our places in line and reviewed our detailed snack procurement.  Yes, we plan our snacks.  One never knows if it’s a Hot Tamales or Sour Straw kind of day.  Or if chocolate is what we need to fuel our feelings.  Nevertheless, I looked forward to Icees, mildly buttered popcorn, smuggled in Burger King burgers and Sour Patch Kids and Red Vines with them.  My Singapore movie experience was different.  The popcorn seemed a tad dry and not as buttered as I would have liked (no place to butter it myself) and while the chicken wings were tasty, I walked to my seat a tad disappointed I was going to see the movie by myself and wondering what else to expect.  But, as I sat in my assigned seat and row, alone, after the first laughs as a crowd, I eventually relaxed.  I became oblivious to the Mandarin subtitles.  I took in the movie and realized I wasn’t as alone as I have been feeling and that while miles away, laughter and movies still connect me to the residents in my new home.  I remain open to this experience and all of the things it brings.  This week it seemed everyone that thought of me messaged me and reminded me that I was missed which didn’t help me feel less homesick than I already did.  Night before last, I was kept awake by another terrible thunderstorm and was so fortunate that even at 3am in Singapore, I could FaceTime with a dear friend and another called me via WhatsApp and kept me calm although my nerves were shot. Even so far away, technology keeps me connected to everyone I love when I need it the most.


With one month living here in Singapore, today I left my temporary residence and relocated to my permanent apartment.  I am definitely excited about being able to fully unpack and make this space mine.  I almost was waiting for the other shoe to drop but thus far, everything has been paid and signed and today is the day! I’ve really looked forward to moving in to make me feel less caught between three places.  My home home, my temporary home and my home away from home.  If anyone would have told me that eleven years from the day I got married, I would have been moving into a new apartment alone in a country half the world away, I would never have believed it.  It's almost unfashionable to think about how far I've come and how far I still have yet to go.  A lot of people always asked me "why" I moved here and to consider all of the things I'd be giving up. Yet, here I sit reflecting on all of the new experiences I'm gaining. A new team of people that have quickly become family and my guardians against the thunderstorms and the newness. Even the front desk guys at my temporary residences remembered me by name and were sad to see me actually depart and asked me to come visit.  No matter the continent, a smile goes a long way and it's nice to see it repaid when given.


Once I'm all unpacked more pics of course to follow!  I'm off to pick up a few things to help settle in and return in time to rest before work in the morning!  Until the next time enjoy the sunshine!


Love & Light...


Not sure how I've acquired this much in a month but... 🤷🏾‍♀️ 


Singapore Dining Diaries: Vol. 2 Queue means good, so Queue!